
More chicken soup please...

Kids are asleep, hooray. It really is not fair that you can't call in sick as a mom. If I could I would. I am sick (really) and its no fun to take care of the kids when you are sick. The one thing worse is if they were sick too. Knock on wood for that one, quick...There can only be enough TV time for kids. No more Thomas the Train, or Little People, please... I am begging you! We HAD to get out of the house today, a quick visit to the mall to burn off some energy. It was a bit too windy to be playing outside for too long today. The sick bug must be going around!
If you are interested, there are pictures of Jeff and I out for Halloween. The link is on the right side of the page, Que Sera Sera.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Someone should start an in-home babysitting service for sick Mom's. I hear you. The worst for me is when I have my migraines.