
Haircut day!

Today Miss Madeline went on an adventure to get a haircut! She claims that she really needed one, which was very true. My child's hair grows like crazy, I think this was her 7th haircut??? I wonder when Winn will get his first one, right now he is sporting the mohawk style...I think that went out of style circa 1990, but it may be making a comeback. All Maddy could talk about was getting her snip, snip, sitting in the princess chair and the bow she will get when she's done. I think the highlight of the haircut is the 10 cent hair clip that she gets to pick out. Today she was helping Annette blow dry her hair. She is such a girl, and loves to look in the mirror, I wonder where she got that from (surely not me???)
Maddy was a bit under the weather today, I think she still has a little spring cold that has been lingering for the past week. Hopefully that will clear up pretty soon. Wednesday was such a gorgeous day, we must have taken 3 or 4 walks, not including our trip to the zoo. It is so great to live so close to the zoo. We have already been there 3 times and spring just started. Thank goodness for the zoo pass! Maddy really enjoyed the zoo last year, but this year was even better. Now that she knows most of the animals, I needed some more things to teach her. So now, I have to actually read the info signs by the animals so I can figure out what they eat, where they live, etc. I guess I could make up things, but it's fun to re-learn too!
This weekend, Maddy has another zoo class, she'll be learning about birds! Maybe Nana would like to take Maddy to her bird class, she loves birds!!!! Saturday night is our last night of couples bowling. Hooray! I love bowling, but Jeff always says that it ends at the perfect time. 33 or so weeks is plenty long enough. Off for the summer and them we'll start up again in August. I think the Ehrhardt's will be getting new bowling balls this summer. That should be interesting...

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