
It's not easy being green

So I have decided to try a little harder to be more environmentally aware. I have bought some reusable bags from Whole Foods for $.99 a piece, and I get something like $.10 per bag off of my bill at Pick N Save and Sendiks. So I guess they have paid for themselves already. My neighbor is a very environmentally friendly person. Maybe that is where I am getting the push from. She is on the "progressive" end of the environmental issues, whereas I am teetering somewhere in la la land. I know that I should be more cognisant of these issues, but it's not easy. Last saturday, my neighbor and I visited the West Allis farmers market, Jeff seems to think that this is funny. Most likely because a) he does not know the difference between a zucchini and an asparagus or b) he does not eat vegetables (only carrots and corn). Perhaps a combination of both. I spent $15 and bought tons of delicious veggies: broccoli, patty pan squash, zucchini, cucumbers, peas, beans, and lettuce. First of all, the grocery store usually has crappy produce, and its always so expensive. Second, there is something great about buying local produce from "your own backyard." I would say that I would like to do this all the time, however, I know realistically this is not going to happen.

Enough of my crazy ranting...

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I think every little bit helps. You think it's just you, but there are so many others doing the same. You wouldn't believe the extent of what some are doing! Crazy extreme! I've read their blogs!
I do the re-bag thing too and love them because I hate dealing with all the plastic around my house until I remember to bring them to the collection.
The trick for me has been keeping them in my car because otherwise I forget to bring them!