Hooray for the holidays!! We spent the day Saturday and overnight up in the Dells at Chula Vista with the Ehrhardt's and Sigourney's. The weather was great! Everyone is so used to the gloomy and cold weather that is Wisconsin's Memorial Weekend. However, we had clear, blue skies and warm weather. What could be better?
On our way up, Jeff decided to take a small detour though Merrimac for a little surprise for Maddy. When Jeff was growing up, they used to take the ferry that crosses the Wisconsin River between Sauk and Columbia counties.

We drove to Merrimac to catch the ferry, and stopped on the other side for a snack and stretch. It was fun to cross the river, I can't remember if I have ever been on a ferry. As were were getting the directions from our GPS, we headed out towards the freeway. We drove through Lodi and then headed back onto the interstate. I was reading my book, not paying too much attention to where we were going, and Jeff asked me if we had passed this exit already. We realized that we took the ferry in the wrong direction. We were supposed to catch it in Lodi and take it to Merrimac. So we had to backtrack a bit, but it still was a fun little excursion.
We arrived at Chula Vista and rang the doorbell for about 15 min. Jeff was convinced that we had the wrong room because no one was answering the door, but finally Nana let us in and vacation began. The kids played in the big indoor water park on saturday afternoon. It was a little cool for outdoor swimming, but good thing for indoor Dells! The kids had so much fun together, playing in the pool, running around the condo and getting into mischief....
After the little one's (Mad and Winn) went to bed, good as always, Jeff had a surprise for everyone. He had recently purchased an Argus 300, for those unfamiliar with this ancient piece of equipment, it is used for viewing slides (yes I said slides). Jeff's parents slide projector broke a while back and he has been wanting to view the slides of his parents when they were young :) and also of Mary Jo and himself. So he bid and won an Argus slide projector in Ebay for the low price of
3.99 with a shipping fee of 18.00. It was well worth it! Jeff's dad brought some slides (just 15 or so boxes????????????) and we spent the night viewing slides. It was quite fun, seeing Jeff's parents in all the weddings they stood up in, the kids when they were little, and some of the other relatives! I know my parents have a lot of slides also, so I am sure there is a Krause slide night coming up sooner than we think.
In the morning we headed out to breakfast and spent the morning playing. Jeff and I headed back to Milwaukee for the annual CCPL Memorial Day Tournament at the Serbiak's. Jeff and I really needed to cash at this event in order to be in the running for the Tournament of Champions. Jason's blog listed on the right, has some hands and some good updates on the event. Jeff was out fairly early, I was bubble boy, one away from cashing so that was pretty disappointing. But we had a fun time! I moved a bit up in the standings, hopefully enough to make it in the play-in event for the TOC. Jason won the tournament, which I hope was just the start of some good poker and winning for his trip out to Vegas for the WSOP.
Jeff's parents brought the kids back on Monday afternoon. The day was great, 80 degrees or so! Again, unheard of in WI over Memorial Day weekend. We played at the park, grilled out and had a great day.
I used to take that ferry with my parents as well. There is a great little ice cream stand on one side, or at least there used to be. I think its hilarious that you took it the wrong way...HAHAHA!
Aren't slides the best! Such great memories of the past. My family has boxes of them too!
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