Winn went for his 4 month check up this past Monday. He is doing really well, he has jumped from the 20th percentile for height to 80th and to 50th for weight. He now weighs 14 lbs 13 oz. He is so much bigger than Maddy was at 4 months, its hard to believe. I am so used to Maddy being a little peanut, I wonder what we're in for with Winston. Our doctor said he'd like us to start cereal with Winn because he thinks he is eating too much!! So today I gave him his 1 tbsp of rice cereal, and as you can see, more ended up on his face than in his little (or big) tummy. We'll see how he does in the next weeks to come.
We spent the morning at home, had a lot of tea parties with our friends (Maddy's many stuffed animals, she calls her friends). After nap, a trip out to Target. Maddy loves going to Target, I think because she likes to spell out the word on the way in to the store. T A R G E T...bulls eye, she says over and over again! 101 Dalmatians came out today, and we bought it as a special treat. She had to tell everyone in the store that she was going to watch a doggie show with a Dalmatian. She's too funny.
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