

Who doesn't love a good snow day, especially the blizzard of 2011? We had such a great time that day. The kids had a blast outside in the snow, got stuck a million times, but it was lots of fun. We headed out for some sledding later on in the day, and the kids were GREAT! It was quite enjoyable, the kids actually walked up the hill and pulled their sleds every time. WOW !!!!!!!
Jeff was excited because virtually every business was closed that day, but somehow bowling still happened :)
Grammie and Grandpy watched the kids overnight (they slept great, imagine why...4 hours outside), and I headed over the Village Bowl for some great cribbage action.



Hell of a Packer season, to finish with the icing on the cake. We had a GREAT Superbowl party at the Ig's home. I can't even describe the excitement I am feeling as I look at the pictures, and remember all the crazy things that went on that day. It truly was the BEST day in a Packer fans lifetime. It may take presidence over 1996. Not the fun all us girls had that day back in 1996 :), but since the downfall of our beloved Favre. It was a special and such well deserved victory last sunday and I will savor every moment. Enough said. Pictures to follow, have to "fix up" a few.