We has a really nice time both Christmas eve and day, and being with the family is what it is all about.
Happy Holidays!
Christmas was spent in pretty much the same fashion as it has been the past 7 yrs or so. We spend Christmas eve with Jeff's family, and Christmas day with mine. Christmas eve we have dinner and then off to church. The kids are still pretty little to really have an idea of what church is, but Maddy is aware that we are celebrating the birth of Jesus. She knows about Mary and Joseph and the wise men, and then of course she is onto Santa and presents...what kid isn't?
We has a really nice time both Christmas eve and day, and being with the family is what it is all about.

We has a really nice time both Christmas eve and day, and being with the family is what it is all about.
Tumbling time
Tracy and I frequently call each other on our off days, sometimes it might be at 7am, wondering when we will be meeting up, sometimes it might be 10 times in a few hours...those are days we definitely need to get the kids out of the house. Today was really one of those days, we just needed to let the kids run around for a while. We tried a new tumbling place on 60th and Lloyd, Wildcard Gymnastics. They have open gym from 9-11am for $5 a kid. Not too bad for a few hours of burning off energy. This place was great! When we got there, there was about 6 people total in there, it got a bit busier, but nowhere near the 50+++ at Swiss Turners! No foam pit to jump in, but if it's not there, the kids must have forgotten about it. We had a great time, the kids loved it. Winn and Emmitt are the perfect age to just be able to run and run and run, without getting into too much trouble. Maddy and Cooper had a blast. I cannot believe how good they were, even when we had to leave. We will definitely go back for more! Here are some cute pics of the little gymnasts...

snow, snow, more snow please
Seriously, can it stop for a little while? Again, I am not opposed to the winter, but come on. Are we planning on topping the 100 inches last season? At this rate, I'll believe anything. 99% of the time, Jeff does the shoveling via the Snow Chief. I actually enjoy the old school shoveling, but with the kids it gets more challenging. Instead of taking an hour or so, it may end up doubling the time spent. Now there is no need for a two hour shoveling session, regardless of the great calorie burning:) The other day, Maddy wanted to go outside, so I decided to chip in and shovel that day. Winston is still a little hesitant about walking around with his boots, and is not completely sure of the snow, but I guess he'll figure it out. While I shoveled, Maddy too (not sure of the actual help there, but...) Winn stood there. I proceeded to shovel around him and left a little square that he did not move off of for a good 30 minutes! He is so funny!

The kids and I headed down the block for a little play date today. Maddy usually plays with the kids for half the time, then the other half is spent eating snacks. I forgot to mention that I do not feed my kids much... This morning, I made waffles in the waffle maker, and they each ate one. And a banana and orange. I seemed to think that this was enough, but no, an hour later at play group, they are acting like I forgot to feed them. Honestly. We had fun, its nice to visit with the ladies down the block! We are trying to plan a little wine and mommy time some Friday night! Hooray!
The kids and I headed down the block for a little play date today. Maddy usually plays with the kids for half the time, then the other half is spent eating snacks. I forgot to mention that I do not feed my kids much... This morning, I made waffles in the waffle maker, and they each ate one. And a banana and orange. I seemed to think that this was enough, but no, an hour later at play group, they are acting like I forgot to feed them. Honestly. We had fun, its nice to visit with the ladies down the block! We are trying to plan a little wine and mommy time some Friday night! Hooray!
The start of snow!
I think that when I started this blog, it was in the midst of winter. Well, it is here again! Except for Jeff (and countless others I am sure), I love winter! I love the snow, and wearing my hat and miTTens, and catching snowflakes on my tongue (kidding). But seriously, I really love the snow! The kids and I played outside today for a while. It lasted long enough for me to shovel the driveway, just about the time Winn decided he didn't want to wear his miTTens anymore, and took a header into the newly piled snow bank. That was pretty much the end of playtime. Maddy insisted on hot cocoa, yet was not happy until she let it sit long enough to get cold and...ending up cold cocoa. Go figure...
All in all, it was fun, and Jeff got a break from shoveling today, lucky!!
All in all, it was fun, and Jeff got a break from shoveling today, lucky!!
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