SPECIAL GUEST BLOG - Some time ago, I promised Jenny I would make "occasional" appearances as a guest host. In baseball circles, playing back-up players instead of starters is known as "the Sunday lineup." Ned Yost is known for this, as he often gives Joe Dillon, Craig Council, Mike Rivera, and Gabe Kapler a chance to play. I'm not sure I agree with Ned's need to play them ALL at once...but I guess that's why he is a big-league manager (with a losing record). Seems fitting I am blogging on this Sunday night.
This weekend, things started normally, as we did some shopping - a new bike (and helmet) for Maddy. Then, all heck broke loose when weathermen took over my Saturday afternoon TV. I guess, when you lead the glamorous life they lead, a weekend of weather like this is your Superbowl and the opponent is Mother Nature. "Big Momma N" really "brought it" this time - completely dominating the area with flash-floods, tornadoes, hail, and whatever else she could think of. In times like this, I normally turn to the cool, calm, collected, and soothing reassurances of one Bart Adrian, Fox News 6. If you, like I, need to "get to know Bart" just a little more...here is the link. I for one was surprised to learn Bart and Vince Condella go way back. Man, I wish I could have partied with those guys when I was in college. For a closer look,
Bart Adrian.
The weather brought a somewhat expected and all-too familiar result...flooding of the Ehrhardt (Tom and Pat - not Jeff and Jen) basement! For those that have never ventured down below at 2234 Leroy, let me paint a little pre-flood picture for you. What was once my bedroom is now a Goodwill. Need to replace that missing 7 iron? The basement has an assortment to choose from. Dot matrix printer (and/or paper)? Got you covered. Cash register from the old drug store? Still works (we think)! Need info fast? Forget the internet. Reference the complete 1974 Brittanica encyclopedia. Hankerin' for a cold beverage? Enjoy some Mountain Dew (see photo) labeled 1995!

Add 5 inches of water to this equation...and THAT makes for a perfect Sunday. All we needed to do was cancel the tee-time, drop the kids off with Grampy and Grammy K, put on the waders and hazard gear, and head to my folks house to begin project clean-up (aka "throw stuff out). 25 bags of fun later...well...you get the picture...and it case you don't...take a look.

All in all, we made a good dent in cleaning-up the mess. We might need to spend a little more time getting the house back in shape, but things are under control, for now. If only Bart would stop talking about the additional heavy rain we are expecting the rest of the week. That's enough for now - see you next time Ned puts in the "Sunday line-up."

Jeff cools off with a Bartles & James (left over from the last Packer Superbowl party)? Plus a few other "found" treasures.

Jen contemplates starting that personal trainer business with newfound equipment.